Sean Sa Storm

Sean Sa Storm is not this author's real name. It's a pen name used to protect his identity and reputation in the industry he's been involved in most of his life. Because his early life was lived as a professional criminal who used torches to open safes and steal money.

Yet this author felt his story of a troubled young life that led to crime had wonderful lessons for others who might be going down that wrong path. Long story short, this man worked diligently to turn his life around, get out of prison and help others. Along the way, he became a millionaire. And then an author.

'Sean's' Journey With Personal Chapters

As with many of Personal Chapters' new book clients, they come to us as referrals from other satisfied customers. Sean (not his real name) came as a referral by Author Gary Jenkins who felt that this compelling story deserved to be preserved. He was absolutely right and this publishing project, once finished, is full of jaw-dropping moments and suspense. It is definitely worth the read.